Persistence (2019) was inspired by my work as a cyber security threat intelligence product manager. The phrases I Exist and I Still Exist are partially covered by by layer of color representing inadequate solutions. Beneath the gold paint, representing computer circuitry the phrase "I Still Exist" is visible representing more malware waiting to activate. Acrylic, spray paint and marker on canvas.
This painting is dedicated to the memory of my late father, - Tom Wilson. My dad took a programing night class in the 1960s and went on to lifelong career in "computers" - before it was cool. My Dad was one of the early Fortan and Cobal programers. I spent many weekends with my Dad in the 60 degree computer room with the mainframes. I regret my Dad didn't get to see me follow him into a career in technology, including joining Google as a product manager.
This work has been featured in show that took place in Las Vegas, August 2019.